Every now and then, I'll be posting a flash fiction piece on my author/editor Facebook page. I love flash fiction; it's like a refreshing dip that you treat yourself to in the middle of a hot day. A little step into a breeze.
Flash fiction is also a great training tool. To make it clear, flash fiction is NOT an abbreviated story. It's a finished story, with a complete plot structure, full characterization, and a nice beat at the end. As with every story, some are better than others. But writing in order to convey an enjoyable and satisfying tale in less than 100 words, the process can sharpen and amp up your skills for longer pieces.
As with all stories, some are better than others. Some of mine will be better than others.
Mostly I do it because I have an endless supply of ideas, and some are more conducive to quick tales than novels. They tend to bubble over at times, so I thought I'd put them to good use. Through the years, I've discovered there's always something new just over the horizon. Especially the next idea.
(I should probably note at this point that I have more than 300 unsold short stories in a box at home and four times that many rejection letters for them. Almost as many on my computer. My "graduate training" in fiction has been pretty extensive.)
I hope you enjoy them.