Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016: A Time to Bloom

When asked about a “word of the year” in 2015, I chose FLAME. I summed up the reason in the last line of this blog: “Flame. An indication that I’m putting the sad times behind me and lighting a fire under my career, my faith, and my future.”

I wasn’t sure what that would look like. My mother had died in November, and my job had changed dramatically. I chose that word on the spur of the moment at a time when I was still reeling emotionally and mentally. I hung a portrait of a firebird in my office as inspiration. And I had no idea that by the end of the year I would have put together a plan to launch my freelance career to the next level.

So when I was asked about a word of the year for 2016, I impulsively responded: BLOOM. I stared at it a minute, but realized it was a good choice. I thought I knew what it meant (a flower), but being the nosy editor I am, I went to the dictionary, where I found these alternatives:
  • The state or period of greatest beauty, freshness, artistry, or vigor 
  • The period of greatest prosperity or productivity 
  • A mass of wrought iron from the forge or puddling furnace 
  • Also, a moist, lustrous appearance indicating freshness in fish. 
Yeah…I’ll pass on that last one. But as a word to indicate a time of great prosperity or artistry? I’ll make that my vision for the year. To grow, to prosper, to produce my best work.


Let’s get to it.