Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction;
don’t neglect your mother’s teaching;
for they are a graceful wreath on your head,
and beads for your neck.
Proverbs 1:8-9 CEB
Moms give advice. It’s what we do. And anyone who has
listened to Anita Renfroe’s brilliant “Momisms” routine will undoubtedly hear
something they’ve said…or heard from their own moms…those day-to-day tidbits
that guide our children into being better people.
We hope.

Tormented by a classmate in junior high school, I finally
turned to my mother, who gave me one suggestion that ended the trouble. When I
got into a violent altercation with another classmate, who then wanted to flirt
with me, she warned me about men who liked quarrelsome women.

It is within these tales that the sharpest wisdom is
If we listen.
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